Monday, November 8, 2010

Acids Bases and Cameras?!

Got here a little late... bad me =P

Starting off with stuff ado with acids and bases.  Were you aware that an acid mixed with a base creates a salt and water?  Now you do. The more you know!

A little more into it, we're talking about redox reactions, which stands for something along the lines of reduction oxidation reaction, or something like that.  Has to do with oxidation numbers, which are complete bullshit things made up to make analyzing these reactions apparently easier, and are basically the charge an element would have when in a molecule.  Ex: Oxygen is generally -2, since it is generally missing 2 electrons from completing a stable octet of electrons.

So while i was typing all that, some really funky, and probably fucked up math, just happened, resulting in:

x= (-3) + 3 + 3x = 0
x= (-1)

Prof: "Remember, this is a bird course."

Party at the front of the class! to solve some problem...

Guy #1 makes a "valid attempt"
Guy #2 (Mr. No Hair as dubbed by the prof) writes something that looks like "utooxidation" sideways on the paper

Turns out, Guy #1 got it right.  No idea what Guy #2 was doing... not too concerned.


I swear, I was saying something to my buddy who is taking far better notes than I am, we both look back up, and the prof is literally doing something completely different and seemingly unrelated.


(for the record, this prof has access to windows media player, and VLC media player, yet for some reason unknown to any of us, he seems to prefer *shudder* Real Player...)

"Chemistry of Photography"

*Slides of photos*

Second slide is a cat!

Stuff about how old cameras work, much ado with silver.
Then there's some really cheesy 80's "electronic easy listening" to some photography stuff
Then there's some stuff about more modern film cameras, but still old cameras.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 3rd lecture

If you're wondering what happened to the november 1st lecture, you're not alone...  Halloween was preety sweet, don't remember much... good times.

Anyways, this is about time to get to the current lecture.  Today is quiz day, so everybody was panic completing the sample questions either last night or bright and early this morning, and turns out one of them was fucked up, so that's off the possibilities list.  Apparently a keener somewhere near the middle of the lecture hall did solve it using a different method... keener.



Prof. Houk is holding what could arguably be considered a molecule vagina.  In his other hand, is what you could arguably consider the molecular penis.  Penis goes in vagina.  It's a complex molecular interaction.  Whether or not the penis enters the vagina is based on the equation S = R ln W, where S is the Entropy, R is the gas constant, and W is the number of microstates.  Below this equation is a diagram that clearly demonstrates how the penis would be combined witht the vagina to create the complex.  The number of times he shoves the penis into the vagina and back out in the video is astounding...  Apparently theres even more ways to arrrange the penis and the vagina... is there a moleculasutra?

Midterm marks are apparently up, so I'll know how good or bad it's gone soon.

Quiz time, no more for now...

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29th, two days to CANDY!!!

There was a great man of science who has appeared in our designated movie time for this lecture, and that man is Richard Feynman.  Now, normally I usually complain about these movie times, because they tend to be pretty terrible.  But for this case, I have no complaints.  I don't think I'll ever be able to complain about watching any video featuring Feynman.
This particular video happens to be Feynman's lecture called The Great Conservation Principles.

He introduces the ideas of general laws that govern physics, and delves into the laws of conservation of energy.  I won't go too much into detail as I highly recommend that everybody reading this takes a look at, well, any of Richard Feynman's videos.  They're all excellent, and all worth watching.

Unfortunately, back to our lecture...

For all those wondering, normal is 1atm at 25 degrees Celsius.  If you like your atms warmer or colder than that, your just crazy!

Hmm, for the record, if this seems a little shorter than other posts, it's likely because I'm falling asleep in my chair here.  Despite the infinitely interesting material of this class, I haven't quite caught up on my sleep for this week yet...

On a humorous note, Spiderman joined us for the Feynman!  As Halloween is Sunday, I'm actually a little surprised that Spidey is the only costumed feller in this lecture...

Anyways, end of lecture, more next monday!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oct 27th lecture, this one is actually for today...

So, I fall asleep on my bus this morning, though only missed my stop by one stop, not too bad.  Get to this class, and what time is it?


In all the infinite knowledge and wisdom of our prof, something compelled him to show us a video explaining why hot pizza is hot.  Yeah.  Why do you burn your mouth when you bite HOT pizza?!

Well more specifically, it was why you burn the top of your mouth on the cheese before you burn your tongue on the crust... which has a little bit more legitemacy to the question...

Either way, turns out cheese has a higher heat capacity than crust, so it releases more energy when cooling than crust does, thus you burn from cheese faster than you burn from crust.

Of course, all I could think was... who the fuck spent the time to figgure out the specific heat and the heat capacity for cheese and pizza crust?

On to more informative stuff...


Has to do with the heat released or absorbed during reactions

delta E = q + w

E = internal energy
q = energy absorbed or released
w = work done on the system

delta H = q

H = heat

And apparently we've covered a lot of material so far, so class is over now... yay?

Woops, forgot to post this... Oct 25th Lecture

Oct 25th 2010

Starting off today's lecture filled with hot air.  Or rather, hot Nitrogen.

Air Bag Chemistry:

2NaN3(s) -> 2Na(s) + 3N2(g)

Calculate the volume of Nitrogen gas produced if the temperature is 80 degrees C, and the pressure is 823mmHg.  60g of NaN3 is ignited.

Its a straight ideal gas problem, use the equation V = (nRT)/P
Where n is moles of stuff, R is the gas constant, 0.082(L*atm)/(mol*K), T is temperature (in Kelvin), and P is pressure in atm.

Ha.. ha... so we're watching the same movie about the same scuba divers again...

So the reason we rewatched that was:

Why are scuba tanks pressurized with excess helium?

Turns out that the pressure of Oxygen in the normal atmosphere is only about 0.2atm compared to the total of 1atm, so the tank needs to have only 20% oxygen by pressure, so they add helium to create that other 80% of the pressure needed.

After talking some more about the group of people working on redefining the kilogram, we're on to the next chapter, Thermochemistry.  So this will deal with energy a lot.

Unit of energy is the Joule

Hmm... I'd almost say I missed a bunch of something rather because everybody is leaving... but by the looks of the slides, he just talked about heat a little... then class is over... so this post is over!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why did I wake up today?

Chem1101 Oct 22nd Lecture

Got here late... bad me.

Sorry for not getting a post up Wednesday, but the teaching assistants watching over the midterm were adamant about not blogging during the midterm...

This is amazing... at the beginning of the course, the prof was overly excited about developments into attempts to redefine the Kilogram in terms that don't rely on a physical model.  As it stands, the Kilogram is based on the official Kilogram model somewhere in France, but scientists want to define the Kilogram as something theoretical rather than based on this artifact.

Turns out, there was an update in the developments of the Kilogram, and our prof felt we just had to know!


Effective learning: lets say around uh... 2 minutes worth?

Monday, October 18, 2010


Goodmorning! October 18th, 2010

Start time: 8:45am (10 minutes late)

First thing we learn, FH is a lopsided bond!

On the topic of the midterm:

"First step is to stay calm.  You need to relax.  When you see the bird, you need to stay calm.  And if the bird makes you nervous, you need to wack it back.  Don't let the bird intimidate you!"

Now that its almost 9am, we're starting to get into some real stuff.

Ideal Gas Equation

[1] pV = nRT

p=pressure(atm or pascal)
n=# of moles
R=Gas Constant
T=absolute temp(kelvin)

[2] R = 0.082(L*atm)/(mol*K)
      = 8.34 J/(mol*K)

(1 pascal [Pa] = 1N/m^2)
(1atm = 760mmHg = 760torr)
(1atm = 101,325 Pa)


ProTip: Humans came from water, but no going back.  Humans can't breath water yo.

Video explains how scuba divers need to be cautious about coming back to the surface to quick, or Nitrogen will come out of solution and form bubbles in the blood (the bens).  It also explains the cure to this, which is slow depressurization.  Video also compares a divers lungs to a baloon in a pressure vessel.  Video procceeds to talk about how we've invented ways of protecting ourselves from pressure at lower depths, like submarines, and those hard shelled suits that deep sea divers wear.

Lots to do about chem yo!

End of movie time for the improved learnings of chemistazikstan.

Dalton's law of partial pressures

Ptot = Pa + Pb

where Pa is the pressure of gas a, and Pb is the pressure of gas b.

"Remember, for the midterm, stay calm, and allow the pressure in those brains to release!"

End of lecture, time is 9:08. (thats 12 minutes early, by the way)

Total time of class: 38 mintes, effective learning time of 23 minutes in an hour lecture! (probably less than that actually)